About Us
Sarasota Harbour East, Inc. is a Not For Profit association incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida for the purpose of managing the Condominiums. The Corporation is governed by the Articles of Incorporation, the Declaration of Condominium and the By-Laws of the Corporation. An elected Board of Directors also passes rules within prescribed guidelines.
Sarasota Harbour East is intended and operating as a community “allowing for older persons” under the U.S Fair Housing Act. Under the Act, those persons aged 55 or older are defined as “older persons”. The association has rules establishing its status as “Housing for Older Persons” and complies with the Act by enforcing these rules.

At the annual meeting of the 84 unit owners, where each owner is entitled to one vote by secret ballot, a Board of Directors is elected that directly governs the association. Owners are encouraged to include their voice in the operations of the community by joining the Board of Directors. All meetings of the Board of Directors are open to condo owners.